Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hideo Iwasaki

Hideo Iwasaki works as both an artist and biologist. He was born in 1971 in Tokyo, Japan and first graduated from the Deptarment of Agrculture at Nagoya University in Japan. He got his PhD in biological science from the same school. He's yet to include science based motifs in his papercutting, however he's combined his papercutouts and biomedia to make hybrid installations. It is very important for him though to consider the "notions of science-logic/metaphor, nature/artifact, organism/material, softwear/hardwear/wetwear, traditional fine art/post computational media, etc." A focus of his has been a special group of bacteria called cyanobacteria, which are ancestors to the first oxidative organisms. He began research for their "scientfically unknown" patterns and used these patterns as an artistic medium and for research purposes. His lab also has started a collaboration with other artists who are interested in using biological themes in their work. His work as both a biologist and artist has been recognized internationally.

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