Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Project- Replicate Our Bed, Only On a Much Smaller Scale, Using No Adhesives

Made throw that's at the bottom of bed from two pieces of paper folded together. Then painted it with colored ink.

First Project- Replicate Our Bed, Only On a Much Smaller Scale, Using No Adhesives

Added posts of spiraled paper in the bottom corners to hold the bed frame and mattress together.

Firs Project-Replicate Our Bed, Only On a Much Smaller Scale, Using No Adhesives

Made the mattress and held it together with ties in the corners. Additionally made four pillows. The two back pillows have decorative ties because they have shams over them in real life. The front two are just folded and stuffed.

First Project-Replicate Our Bed, Only On a Much Smaller Scale, Using No Adhesives

Made the bed frame out of copy paper and used ties to hold it together. Then made another box, and put weights in it to stick under the bed frame to stabilize it.

First Project- Replicate Our Bed, Only On a Much Smaller Scale, Using No Adhesives

My actual bed-the first step